Friday, April 20, 2007 |
Goals |
I directly asked Laurel Richardson what her goals were, both professionally and personally, and she responded with much humor and wit:
"I also have intentions for my books that they reach the people that need them. The latest book, LAST WRITES, I hope reaches all those who are working through the deaths of loved ones...not the grief, afterwards,but the grief before the death....the losses, the process... How about a house in Oro Valley for the winter??? A clean desk? Another cat? Gathering together the unpublished works (yes there are lots of those, too)--sending them off. A limited edition book...learning how to print books...."
First of all--she even has UNPUBLISHED books! The woman is my hero! The book that she was talking about 'Last Writes' is in the process of being published as I type--the link to a summary of this book is here: The book, in essence, takes a sociological perspective and a personal look at the death of a friend, and the effect of death on others.
I enjoyed hearing about her personal goals for the future, though it is clear her professional work for others where she teaches (The University of Ohio Her final goal for publishing a book helping others learn how to publish is evidence of her dedication to educating others much like her other book of a similar nature "Writing Strategies: Reaching Diverse Audiences" ( |
posted by J Mancini @ 3:44 PM  |
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